New Archers
Want to learn more about archery? Curious about the sport? Well look no further! Here's the Derwent guide to getting started in archery:
Taster Sessions.
Taster Sessions, as the name suggest, give you a chance to try archery with proper equipment, in a real range, under full instruction from experienced archers and coaches.
It's 2 hours of archery and is a great way to see if you enjoy archery.
Taster sessions are great group events too as they always bring out visitor's competitive side, and everyone gets a laugh.
They're also great for juniors; minimum age is 8.
Taster sessions at Derwent cost £15 per session, per person at prior arrangement only.
For information on our next Taster Session please email Nick:
(remove the space)
Beginners’ Courses.
So you've decided you really like archery and want to take it up as a sport or a hobby? Then you'll need to undertake a beginners' course. The course at Derwent Bowmen is over 4 weeks to combine to make 12 hours of tuition as recommended by Archery GB – the sports national body.
Day 1 you will be given your own bow for the entire course, this way you can get familiar with your equipment and be the best, safest archer you can be the end of your course. There also is the opportunity to rent your bow at the end of the course if you decide to join Derwent Bowmen.
By the end of the course you will be deemed safe and should be comfortable shooting on your own, or as part of a group or detail.
Minimum age is 8 years old – there is no maximum as long as you're safe with a bow.
All inquiries should be sent to:
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